2025-2027 State Administrative Committee Elections
The nomination period for the 2025-2027 Alabama USA Gymnastics State Administrative Committee election closed on February 28. The election will be an online voting that begins on March 15 at 8 AM and will close on April 1 at 11:59 PM. All current active Alabama USA Gymnastics Professional Members will receive an email on March 14 with the voting link and validation instructions. You will need to have your USA Gymnastics member number to login and vote.
We have 9 committee positions available – 8 At Large members and 1 designated HUGS member. The top 8 nominees in votes and the HUGS representative with a simple majority received will be elected to the committee for a 2-year term which begins June 1, 2025.
The nominees are Jessica Earnest, Meg Henry, Mary Catheryne Hinkley, Erin Kightlinger, Deb Kornegay, C J Laird, Sandi McGee, Benjo Morrow, Helen Nabors, Michelle Parvinrouh, Tiffanie Reed, Jessica Sedgwick, Sarah Smith, and JR Zeringue. Christie Leigh McHugh was the only nomination for the HUGS position and will be elected by acclamation.
By clicking on each nominee’s name, you can view their bio/resume if they have provided one. They will also be available to view on the ballot when the election is live.
Please look over all of our candidates and let your voice be heard in the upcoming election.